Course curriculum
Chapter 1: FCR – Introduction (Module 1)
FCR – Welcome to Female Chain Reaction
Chapter 2: FCR (Module 2)
002 Introduction to the Female Chain Reaction
003 Pelvic Core Dysfunction Across the Ages
004 Pelvic Core Dysfunction Across the Ages Continued
Chapter 3: FCR (Module 3)
005 Introduction to Applied Functional Science
006 27 Symmetrical Foot Squat Matrix
007 Transformational Zones
008 3DMAPS Mobility
009 Matrix System
Chapter 4: FCR (Module 4)
010 Female Chain Reaction Biomechanics
011 Pelvicore Neuromuscular System (PCNS)
012 Pelvicore Neuromuscular System (PCNS) -Parts to the Whole
Chapter 5: FCR (Module 5)
014 Common Forms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
015 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
016 Incontinence and Bladder Training
017 Diaphragmatic Breathing
018 Heel Taps
019 Knee Rolls
020 Pelvic Rocking for Better Elimination
021 Bowel Function
022 Bowel Training
023 Pelvic Rocking for Bowel
024 Breathing for Bowel Elimination
025 Pelvic Organ Prolapse and questions to ask!
026 Orthopedics and Pelvic Pain
027 Perinatal Pelvic Pain
028 Female Athlete and PCNS Dysfunction
Chapter 6: FCR(Module 6)
029 Chain Reaction Biomechanics of Pregnancy
030 1st Trimester of Pregnancy
031 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy
032 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy and 3DMAPS
033 Birth Ball Matrices-Seated
034 3D Labor and Delivery Preparation with the Birth Ball
035 On Ground Dynamic Mobility during Pregnancy
036 Deep Squat during Pregnancy
037 Triplane stretching during pregnancy
038 3DMAPS Reassessment- 2nd Trimester
039 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy
040 Third Trimester and Belly Support
041 3D Mobility throughout Pregnancy
042 Pelvicore Exercise for Incontinence during Pregnancy
043 Instrinsic Foot Strength and Mobility
044 Hormones
045 External Supports for Pregnancy
046 External Supports for Pregnancy cont.
Chapter 7 : FCR (Module 7)
048 DRA-defined
049 DRA - Sitting and Standing
050 DRA- Co-Morbidities and Intial Progression
051 DRA - Additional progressions
052 DRA - Upright Progressions
053 DRA - 3DMAPS Assessment
054 Pregnancy DRA Check
Chapter 8 : FCR (Module 8)
055 3D Labor and Delevery Preparation : Episiotomy
056 Birth Ball Matrices for labor and delivery
057 Baby Holds and Breastfeeding
058 Introduction to the 4th Trimester
059 The first 12 weeks postpartum
060 Stroller Mechanics and Matrices
061 3DMAPS Mobility Postpartum
062 AFS Postpartum: Episiotomy Receovery- Hooklying
063 Cesarean Birth defined and Healing
064 AFS Post Ceserean Birth
065 Early 4th Trimester Restoration- Baby rocking Matrices
066 Birth History- Post Ceserean Birth
067 4th Trimester Selfcare and Recovery- FSTT with the Pelvicore
068 4th Trimester Return to Impact- Intial onground progressions
069 4th Trimester Return to Impact progressions
070 3DMAPS Reassessment
071 4th Trimester and Orthopedic Injuries
072 4th Trimester Return to Impact progression defined
073 DRA review
074 Childcare Equipment
Chapter 9 : FCR (Module 9)
075 The Future of Female Health - Menstural Cycle
076 Female Athlete and the Developmental Sequence
077 Female Athlete
078 Female Athlete continued
079 Female Athlete Jump:Jop:Hop
080 Female Athlete and Orthopedic Issues
081 Hip labrum
Chapter 10 : FCR (Module 10)
082 Perimenopause Defined
083 Menopause Defined
083 Menopause Defined
084 Menopause Continued
084 Menopause Continued
085 Menopause Review
086 Post Menopuasal- Exercise Matrices
087 Post Menopausal 3DMAPS assessment
088 Post Menopausal T-Spine Matrices Sitting
089 Post Menopausal T-spine Matrices Standing
090 Post Menopausal 3DMAPS Reassessment
Chapter 11 : FCR (Module 11)
091 Pelvic Core Dysfunction Questionairre
092 Group Exercise
Chapter 12 : FCR (Module 12)
093 Female Functional Fitness- PelvicorePro
094 Functional Tools
Chapter 13 : FCR (Module 13)
095 Case Study- 3DMAPS Assessment- Female Athlete
096 Jump:Jop:Hop Assessment
097 Locomotor Lunges
098 Locomotor Impact 36:360
099 Impact Sequence with PelvicorePro
100 36:360 with PelvicorePro
101 3DMAPS Reassessment
102 36:360 Reassessment
Chapter 14 : FCR (Module 14)
103 Congratulations!!! Thank You completed the Female Chain Reaction!!!
Chapter 15 : FCR (Module 15)
104 Early Postpartum
105 Incontinence
106 Pelvic Organ Prolapse
107 Postpartum
108 Postpartum, Incontinence, POP, RTI
109 Pregnancy
110 Pregnancy and Incontinence
111 Pregnancy and Incontinence, RTI
112 RTI
Passing garde is 70%