Course curriculum

  • 1

    Anatomy & Physiology : Introduction and Chapter 1

    • Introduction

    • Chapter 1.1 : Musculoskeletal system

    • Chapter 1.2 : Types of bones

    • Chapter 1.3 : Bones continued

    • Chapter 1.4 : Joints

    • Chapter 1.5 : Six types of synovial joints

    • Chapter 1.6: Anatomical Terms for joint actions

    • Chapter 1.7 : Joint movement language

    • Chapter 1.8: Planes of movement

    • Chapter 1.9 : Axes of movement

    • Chapter 1.10 : Planes and axes of movement acted out

    • Chapter 1 : End of Section Review

  • 2

    Anatomy & Physiology : Chapter 2

    • Chapter 2.1 : Your muscles

    • Chapter 2.2 : Sliding filament theory

    • Chapter 2.3 : Types of muscle contraction

    • Chapter 2 : End of Section Review

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    Anatomy & Physiology : Chapter 3

    • Chapter 3.1 : Posture

    • Chapter 3.2 : Core stability

    • Chapter 3 : End of Section Review

  • 4

    Anatomy & Physiology : Chapter 4

    • Chapter 4.1 : Nervous system

    • Chapter 4.2 : Neurons and motor units

    • Chapter 4.3 : Motor units acted out

    • Chapter 4.4 : Anatomy of stretching

    • Chapter 4.5 : Anatomy of stretching acted out

  • 5

    Anatomy & Physiology : Chapter 5

    • Chapter 5.1 :Cardiovascular system

    • Chapter 5.2 : Circulatory system acted out

    • Chapter 5.3 : Blood pressure

    • Chapter 5 : End of section Review

  • 6

    Anatomy & Physiology : Chapter 6

    • Chapter 6.1 : Endocrine system

    • Chapter 6.2 : Energy system

    • Chapter 6.3 : Muscle fibre types

    • Chapter 6 : End of Section Review

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    Your muscle Pairings

    • Biceps and Triceps

    • Biceps and Triceps on skeleton

    • Quadriceps and Hamstrings

    • Quadriceps and Hamstrings on skeleton

    • Pectoralis Major, Rhomboids and Trapezius on skeleton

    • Rectus Abdominis and Erector Spinae on skeleton

    • Lower leg muscles

    • Lower leg muscles on skeleton

    • Lower leg muscles on skeleton

    • Adductors and Abductors on skeleton

    • Hip flexors and Glutes

    • Hip flexors and Glutes on skeleton

    • Lattissimus Dorsi and Deltoids

    • Lattissimus Dorsi and Deltoids on skeleton

    • Rotator cuff

    • Rotator cuff

    • Rotator cuff on skeleton

    • Levator Scapula

    • Levator scapula on skeleton

    • Serratus Anterior

    • Quadratus Lomborum

    • Pectoralis Major, Rhomboids and Trapezius

    • Rectus Abdominis and Erector Spinae

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    Applied Anatomy Webinar Links

    • Anatomy Revision Webinar

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    Manual, Supplement and Study Guide

    • Anatomy & Physiology Manual

    • Anatomy & Physiology supplement

    • Study Guide

  • 10

    Mock Exams

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #1

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #2

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #3

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #4

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #5

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #6

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #7

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #8

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #9

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #10

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #11

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #12

    • Anatomy & Physiology Mock Exam #13

  • 11

    Anatomy Theory Exam booking

    • Anatomy & Physiology Theory Exam Booking

  • 12

    Unlock Gym Instructor Course

    • If you are enrolled in for the PT Diploma course installment payment plan pay here to unlock level 2 . If you are not enrolled into PT Diploma yet but would like to pursue PT Diploma or pay in 4 installments please email us at [email protected].

  • 13

    Anatomy & Physiology Powerpoints - English

    • Anatomy & physiology powerpoint slides